Monday, July 30, 2012

New Microsoft SharePoint team page details explained

Sharing information is a core feature of Office 2013, which became available for everyone to use earlier this month in a preview version. One of the applications in Office 2013 is the new version of SharePoint, which includes a way to create pages for teams to share and update information about projects.

In a new post on the official SharePoint blog, Microsoft goes over some of the new SharePoint team site features. Users can adjust the background, font, color style and more for the team page by using the Getting Started Metro-style tiles. Once the team page has been customized, the Getting Started tiles can be removed.

After that, users will likely want to upload documents to the SharePoint team page. The new version lets users preview a document, along with adding features such as informing people if the document has been changed and by whom. There's also a Sync button in the new SharePoint that automatically synchronizes all of the documents on the page with a user's home PC. Microsoft states, "Once you sync a library, you can access all of the files in it from Windows Explorer and Office even if you don?t have an internet connection."

Users of another Microsoft Office software app, OneNote, will find that SharePoint pages also have a OneNote notebook that's been placed all team pages. Microsoft states, "From there you can open the site notebook in OneNote on your PC, Mac or mobile device and it?ll be available offline and stay in sync automatically."

There are also other features that can be added later to a SharePoint page, including Tasks and Calendar and an Add an App function. Microsoft has also put in a new feature called Site Mailbox. The blog states, "It?s a shared inbox in Microsoft Exchange that all the members of your site can access. Again, we?ll discuss this at length in a future post."

Source: Microsoft SharePoint blog | Image via Microsoft


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Frightening new discovery, skin cancer risk as thunderstorms damage

Posted by: coastlinesproject | July 27, 2012

Skin cancer risk as storms damage ozone layer

Posted on July 27, 2012 ? 05:22 by?Kate Taylor

Thunderstorms are punching new holes in the ozone layer over the US, say Harvard University scientists.

The ozone loss, they say, is both serious and entorely unexpected, as it?s been observed a long way from the polar regions to which it was thought to be restricted.

A team led by professor James G Anderson has discovered that during intense summer storms over the United States, convection carries water vapor far higher into the lower stratosphere than previously thought possible, leading to substantial, widespread ozone loss throughout the following week.

?What proved surprising was the remarkable altitude to which water vapor was being lofted ? altitudes exceeding 60,000 feet ? and how frequently it was happening,? says Anderson.

Where the water vapor was injected into the stratosphere, the esearchers found that the catalytic loss of ozone increased a hundredfold ? meaning, says the team, that oxone could be being lost far faster than it can be replaced.

And while the data comes from the US only, the team says the same thing could be happening elsewhere.

There are, clearly, public health implications to the study, thanks to the increased risk of skin cancer. And, says the team, if the stratosphere becomes wetter, as has happened in the past when CO2 levels have risen, things could really get serious.

?Were the intensity and frequency of convective events to increase irreversibly as a result of climate forcing, decreases in ozone and associated increases in UV dosage would also be irreversible,? says the team.

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Antarctic outpost sees season's 1st sunrise

A lonely webcam at an Antarctic station recently captured images of the first sunrise to light the sky in two months, marking the end of winter darkness in its neighborhood of East Antarctica. ?

The sun set for austral winter in mid-May, plunging Belgium's Princess Elisabeth Station into two months of night.

Although there were no human eyes to witness the return of the light, on July 15, operators back in Belgium got a signal that the hold of the winter darkness was broken. On that day, five of the station's Sunny Boys ? contraptions that convert energy collected by the station's solar panels into usable form ? woke up from their winter slumber.

And on July 23, a webcam set up at the station, deserted for winter, sent back images of a rose-gold glow suffusing the horizon.

A zero-emissions compound, the Princess Elisabeth Station relies on wind and solar energy for all its power, which it continues to collect even when people aren't there to use it. During the darkness of winter, Antarctica's ferocious winds spin the station's herd of wind turbines; already, the station's solar panels have seen enough sunlight to begin building up wattage ahead of the summer research season.

The gleaming station, which opened in 2008, looks like the perfect setting for a science fiction movie ? all silvery, graceful angles amid a desolate and glittering landscape.

Built as a joint project between the Belgian government and a private, nonprofit organization, the International Polar Foundation, which oversees operations, the station stands atop a rocky ridge in East Antarctica, about 137 miles (220 kilometers) from the coast.

The station was shuttered for winter on Feb. 27, and humans won't return until November, when austral summer arrives. Tens of scientists spend the warmer months at Princess Elisabeth, conducting research in a host of disciplines from microbiology to seismology to glaciology.

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Farther inland, the continent is still shrouded in darkness. At Concordia Station, a European outpost in the middle of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet where residents recently snapped a bright aurora shimmering overhead, the sun won't rise until sometime in August.

Reach Andrea Mustain at, or follow her on Twitter @AndreaMustain. Follow OurAmazingPlanet on Twitter @OAPlanet.? We're also on Facebook and Google+.

? 2012 OurAmazingPlanet. All rights reserved. More from OurAmazingPlanet.


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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Revo Series 750 Infield Pitcher Baseball Glove | The Kingdom of ...

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Drought diminishes mighty Mississippi, puts heat on Congress

CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The severe drought in the U.S. Midwest wreaked more havoc across the country on Thursday, forcing barges on the Mississippi River to lighten loads for fear of getting stuck and raising concerns about higher prices for food and gasoline.

Damage to crops in the most extensive drought in five decades and the pressure of the November elections sparked some action in the U.S. Congress to bring relief to farmers and make progress on a generous farm bill.

"When times are tough for farmers, they tend to be more active politically," Iowa Senator Charles Grassley said, urging fellow Republicans to act on the farm bill and avoid punishment at the polls.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner said on Thursday that Republican leaders were working with the Agriculture Committee "on an appropriate path forward."

"I do believe the House will address the livestock disaster program that unfortunately in the last farm bill was only authorized for four years," Boehner said.

Rain in the northern Midwest overnight improved corn and soybean crop prospects, and grain prices eased back a bit from near-record highs. But only light rains fell over parched areas of Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa and Illinois overnight, and more heat and dryness in the southern Midwest was forecast.

"There should be some improvement in areas like the Dakotas and Minnesota," Andy Karst, an agricultural meteorologist for World Weather Inc, said. "They have had some good rains of up to an inch or more and there should be more rain and more improvement over the next week."

At the Chicago Board of Trade, corn for September delivery closed 12-1/2 cents lower at $7.82 a bushel, down 5 percent from last week's record high. August soybeans closed 38-1/4 cents lower at $16.56, down 7 percent from last week's record high. September wheat closed 18-1/2 cents lower at $8.84-3/4, down 7 percent from last week's four-year high.

Crop scouts on Thursday reported corn yield prospects down about 27 percent from last year in central Iowa, the largest producing state. But dousings from recent night-time rains had helped soybeans. Early planting also may be helping soybeans survive the worst effects of the drought, scouts said.

A tour of Minnesota and North Dakota spring-planted wheat fields was also encouraging due to early plantings, scouts said. Yield potential was expected about 8 percent above last year.

"The only thing that can hurt this crop is a hail storm," said Ben Handcock, a Wheat Quality Council tour official.


The effects were literally being felt downstream.

One year after its waters swelled to historic proportions, the lower Mississippi River now sits so low that barge operators hauling some $180 billion in goods must lighten their loads for fear of getting stuck.

If water levels drop any lower, industry insiders say, prices could rise on the raw commodities commonly shipped by boat -- coal, grain, petroleum and steel, to name a few.

"The main thing that they're doing now is voluntarily reducing the size of their tows ... so they're having to take more trips to carry their normal volume of commodities," said Ann McCulloch, spokeswoman for American Waterways Operators, a national trade association representing tugboats, tow boats and barges.

"This will drive up transportation costs if it continues over a long period of time," she said.

Kirby Corp, the largest U.S. inland tank barge operator, said Thursday it is adding more capacity to its fleet that carries petrochemicals, gasoline and fertilizers.


In Washington, temperatures boiled on both sides of the aisle. A new five-year, $491 billion farm bill is stalled in the House on concerns there are not enough votes in the Republican-controlled chamber to pass a bill.

"We're seeing all across the country dried-up, parched land," said Senate Agriculture Committee chairwoman Debbie Stabenow. "This is a very serious issue for our farmers and ranchers, so we need a farm bill."

The farm bill has been attacked by Democrats for cutting too much from food stamps for the poor and by Republicans for doing too little to reform farm subsidies.

There is little more than a week before Congress moves to a recess that lasts until September 10. Democrats have lambasted Republicans for lack of action ahead of the November elections.

"If they actually try to do disaster next week, it's just to inoculate members for the month of August," said Ferd Hoefner, a small-farm activist. "We want the real bill and we want it this year."

Scattered rains in the Midwest this week have come too late for many crops, government drought specialists said, and the worst drought conditions since 1956 worsened over the last week.

Almost 30 percent of the nine-state Midwest was suffering extreme drought as of July 24, nearly triple that of a week ago.

The United States is the world's largest exporter of corn, soybeans and wheat. Markets around the world are growing worried that local food costs will soar because imports will be expensive, food aid for countries from Asia to Egypt will not be available, and food riots could occur as in the past.

Drought and scorching temperatures in Eastern Europe from Poland to Romania also have burned up crops, causing alarm about stockpiles and soaring prices. Russian wheat harvests will also be cut by drought and Indian harvests will be cut by the poorest monsoon rains in four decades, officials said on Thursday.

The U.S. Agriculture Department said U.S. food prices are likely to rise as much as 3.5 percent this year and as much as 4 percent in 2013, with higher feed costs driving up meat and dairy products. By comparison, the overall U.S. inflation rate is estimated at 2 percent this year and 1.9 percent in 2013.

Wildfires in drought-hit areas were also a growing problem. Firefighters in three Nebraska counties battled expanding wildfires, and Ola, Arkansas, a town of 1,300 people, was evacuated because of an approaching fire.

(Writing by Peter Bohan; editing by Mary Milliken; Desking by Andrew Hay)


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Monday, July 23, 2012

Dx with CML a month ago | The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society ...

Hi:? First let me welcome you to the club that nobody wants to join as we say, but you came to the right place.? You will start to understand this whole disease and even find comfort in knowing about how well these treatments are working for all of us.? My second thing is that I always tell everyone to get a second opinion to confirm everything the? first doctor has told you.

??? We have people on here from all over including your area I think.? I myself live in N.J.? My other advice is to be sure that the doctor you are seeing treats numerous cases of CML a year so you know that he or she knows what they are talking about.? Saying its not even considered a cancer was probably not the right statement, but most doctors will tell you that if you had to get Leukemia that you got the best one.? CML is very treatable.

?? Please post any questions you have so we can get to know you.? We have some very knowledgeable people on here who will give you expert advice.

? I was diagnosed in 1998, and there were no TKI drugs.? I did not go on Gleevec until 2000, and I am still on the same dose all these years later.? My Leukemia has been undetectable now for 9 years.? Gleevec is made by the same drug company as Tasigna. Gleevec was the first and then other drugs were developed.

? I will not go into a whole bunch of detail to confuse you.? I will say that CML is not a death sentence which is what everyone fears.? You will get to see your twins grow,and enjoy all the different aspects of their life.

The biggest thing everyone complains about is the side effects of their TKI drug, but every drug has some type of side effect.? I have always felt that what I go through has been worth it.? I was diagnosed the week before Christmas in 1998, and thought this is my last holiday with family.? Now I will be celebrating Christmas #14 this year.

? So glad you posted and joined us.

Susan 61


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ContentFy ? Kinds of Risk Management

Earlier we discussed what risk management is. Today we?ll discuss the kinds of risk management. Enterprise risk management, Operation risk management and financial risk management are few kinds of risk management.

The techniques and procedures used by the organizations to cope with the factors of the risks and to grab the chances in order to fruitfully accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization in a particular business are termed as Enterprise risk management.? A framework comprising of state of affairs, situations and chances of opportunities that evaluates the features to what extent it influences along with the shaping and observation of the progress and response of the strategy related to the achievement of the objective of organization is actually a structure that Enterprise resource management is responsible for providing to risk management. Enterprise resource management provides security to the organization?s stake owners, workforces, clients, supervisory body and society etc. by highlighting the opportunities along with the risk and its long term impact on the business.

In other words Enterprise risk management ?can also be referred as approach that manages the organization?s incorporating thoughts and implementation of strategic planning that seriously involves risks. The inspection on the risk management techniques of the organizations are more increased by the managers, supervisors and debt grading organizations.

Another type of risk management is Operational Risk Management (ORM). Operational risk management is kind similar to the enterprise risk management and is defined as a cycles of processes that includes identification and evaluation of risk management, the decisions to be made for the risk and finding ways to control the risk which benefits in a way that either a risk could be avoided, less bearable or could be modified. Operational risk due to the human factors, internal processes or exterior dealings also comes under Operational risk management that could be oversight. Operational risk management is follows four principles.

  1. One of which is that there is no need to accept an unnecessary risk.
  2. If the risk is balanced by the cost then accept such risk.
  3. Planning for the management and anticipation of the risk should be done.
  4. At the right level of time the decisions of the risk should be made.

Operational risk management is further divided into three levels. The first is an in depth level where before the implementation of the project in depth level of risk management is done including the fact that the project has a lot time to be planned and prepared. Training, drafting, requirements and instructions are few examples of in depth risk management methods. At routine periods where projects are implemented at moderate time deliberate operational risk management which is the second level of operational risk management is used. Quality assurances, safety checks and on job training are few examples. Time Critical is the third level of operational risk management and is used at the operational level of the tasks when they are executed. It has proved to be the most effective by individuals as it help achieving the task or mission safely. Check list, Check management is the examples of the few tools used.

One more another kind of risk management is the financial risk management. The exercise of developing economic value in an organization by the help of financial instruments in order to accomplish risks that are exposed predominantly market and credit risks are termed as Financial Risk Management. Financial risk management processes are more similar to the general risk management as of identification, evaluation and planning of the risk in order to control them. The main aim of using financial risk management is to focus at what time and through what means to hedge in the market and this is done by using financial instruments. Qualitative and quantitative both of the kinds are found in financial risk management. Basel Accords are generally implemented internationally by the banks in the banking sectors. It helps identifying the credit, market and operational risks.



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Sunday, July 22, 2012

One Step Ahead in the Courtroom | The Legal Examiner Connecticut

(866) 351-9500

Posted by Jason GamsbyJuly 21, 2012 2:13 PM

Visual and multimedia digital technologies are transforming the practice of law, how lawyers construct and argue their cases, present evidence to juries, and communicate with each other. Digital visuals and multimedia can improve decision makers? knowledge and understanding of reality. Second, whether or not digital media improves legal knowledge in an absolute sense, it certainly changes how decision makers learn and think about the reality they are judging. Lastly, the digitization of law has the potential to change people?s fundamental attitudes toward the nature of legal knowledge.

Throughout my years at Stratton Faxon, I have coordinated the presentation of visual evidence for a variety of civil trials and have not found any two cases to be remotely similar.

There is no "perfect case" nor is there perfect evidence. Many pieces of evidence or facts of the case are entirely foreign to jurors. We must, as legal advocates, take a step back with every case and ask "Would every juror understand this issue the same way that my mind would"? The answer is no.

It is extremely important to take a step outside of the box and think of all the nuances to a case that could be misunderstood by jurors. I currently attend the Quinnipiac University School of Law in Hamden, CT as a part time 4L student and recently was assigned a very interesting project in a course called Visual Persuasion and the Law. I found this course to be extremely helpful both in my study of the law and my practical application of it as a litigation paralegal. The task at hand was to create a settlement brochure video/closing argument video for a mock negligence lawsuit against a local hospital. The plaintiff in the case, a deaf woman, wanted to conceive a child via in vitro fertilization (IVF) with her deaf female partner. They were willing and ready to recruit a sperm donor but the catch was they wanted a child who was deaf like them.

One of the female partners underwent genetic testing to determine the specific DNA sequence that made her deaf and was told by the IVF doctor that if she located a sperm donor with the exact same DNA sequence, that her child would be born deaf. She amazingly found that matching donor, but on the day of the procedure she was negligently given the wrong vial of sperm and nine months later she gave birth to a perfectly healthy, hearing child. She sued. My first reaction to the case: "Your child is perfectly healthy, what are you complaining about?" Many lawyers would reject this case right here, but having imagination and visual technology is what sets you apart. I had to convince myself to advocate for this woman even in this fabricated fact pattern. At that point in time, I had no experience with IVF or deaf culture and I was willing to bet that a majority of jurors would feel the same.

My first task was to research and explain the frequency of IVF in today's society, to explain that it was accepted and there were standards concerning labeling of sperm vials so that mix-ups do not occur like the case here. Today?s electronic society provided me with a quick course on what IVF is and I was able to locate educational videos portraying the same.

Secondly, I needed to explain just why this woman was justified in being so angry that her child was perfectly healthy and not deaf. The answer to that is DEAF culture, DEAF pride and DEAF society. Something I was unaware of and something that most jurors would not have a clue about.

Lastly, how would I explain the gross negligence that occurred here when the wrong sample was selected and used? After all, there were so many radical elements to this case that would most certainly confuse a jury. Simple, I began my video with a narration ?opening statement? hypothetical that included a husband and wife who wanted to conceive naturally but simply couldn't. They decided to conceive using IVF but on the day of the procedure, the wife did not receive her husband?s sperm, but received the sperm of a total stranger. I hoped that jurors would be able to relate to this simplified story.

I continued my presentation by using various videos illustrating DEAF culture to allow jurors to just immerse themselves in the facts rather than just hearing them from the mouth of a lawyer. Little did I know but DEAF people view themselves not as having a disability but as a proud, distinct, subculture. In this strictly educational exercise, I was able to find multiple educational pieces (pictures and videos) illustrating this.

When I assist in the courtroom I try and think of the best tools I can use to make the jury a captivated audience without being too over the top, overbearing, or overly technical. Among other multimedia presentation tools, our firm currently uses TrialDirector, a computer program first released by inData in 1996 which allows you to store and organize documents, multimedia and transcripts all into one database for presentation.

The TrialDirector program has excellent tools to juxtapose exhibits, crop out, zoom in, annotate, highlight, and/or redact certain paragraphs of records to be used during trial. The program doesn't "hide" anything from jurors to make them think that lawyers are only showing them minimal fragments of information but then asking them to return a verdict. Paired with a projector and screen, the program allows for enormous magnification of pictures and documents rather than the use of 8.5 x 11 inch sheets of paper.

I believe that jurors appreciate being involved in the case rather than just being told a story. Having technology available to you in the courtroom which then allows jurors to be totally involved is invaluable. I know that's the way I learn about something best.

Visual presentation requires time, effort and a good paralegal to prepare, but the end result shows organization, dedication, belief and great pride in your client's case which can go a long way in a jurors eyes. And by the way, it also ensures that our clients get the result they deserve ? not a penny more, not a penny less.


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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Student Group Travel To New Orleans: Allow Good Times Roll! | kkr ...

Jambalaya, Cajun hospitality and great music! This is what will meet every scholar group upon arrival in New Orleans or N?awlins (as the residents carefully refer to their town). Being placed #1 in five classes in Travel & Leisure Magazine?s 2009 ?America?s Favorite Cities? survey, the people of New Orleans really mean what they say??Les Bon Temps Rouler!? (Allow Good Times Roll!). Completely melding French, African, Spanish, and American cultures, the effect is an exciting city filled with academic galleries, interesting attractions, Cajun/Creole food, extraordinary music, special old sites and, needless to say, Mardi Gras.FoodThe food, wherever you go within the city, will surely stir your tastebuds. From delicious shrimp and oyster Po-Boy sandwiches, Crab and Jambalaya Chowder, to melt-in-your-mouth Cajun pulled Muffuletta sandwiches, pork, and seafood Gumbo, the Cajun/Creole flavors will really please your palate. Make sure delicacy was not overlooked by you possibly! The delectable types of New Orleans muffins can meet and surpass your sugar cravings. Try a local favorite, Mississippi Mud Pie, a gooey chocolate filling on the top of a chocolate crust served with vanilla ice cream or try what New Orleans is famous for, Bananas Foster, developed at Brennan?s Restaurant. Bread Pudding is yet another favorite and comes in many different flavors including dark chocolate, bright chocolate, blueberry bourbon sauce and more.Favorite restaurants include CafA du Monde, a New Orleans trademark French cafA. Be sure to visit the first location at 800 Decatur Street and watch as clean beignets and French doughnuts are manufactured. The one thing a lot better than watching them being made though is eating them! Yet another restaurant, recognized because the ?Total Cajun Experience? is Michaul?s Cajun Restaurant, displaying delicious Cajun/Creole food and live Cajun music performed nightly. For a far more formal environment, your party will appreciate Copeland?s of New Orleans, where one will encounter southern cuisine with an modern Cajun sparkle. In addition, student group favorites contain Bubba Gump Shrimp, Jimmy Buffet?s Margaritaville, Hard Rock CafA, the Steamboat Natchez Dinner Cruise and the Creole Queen Dinner Jazz Cruise.Attractions/MuseumsThe French Quarter?s many noteworthy roads, Bourbon and Royal, present student groups an unique executive view of 18th century New Orleans. Stretching 13 blocks from Canal Street to Esplanade Avenue, Bourbon Street is principally known for its party setting and site of the Mardi Gras Parade. With many special outlets, restaurants and clubs, Bourbon Street is really a ?can?t miss? section of your trip. On Royal Street, iron-laced balconies and outdoor patios enhance the road giving student organizations a sense of 18th century architectural style, where more shops and restaurants are located.One of New Orleans? most well-known attractions in the French Quarter isJackson Square. Named ?Place n? Armes? until the early 19th century, it absolutely was renamed for the Battle of New Orleans hero Andrew Jackson. Jackson Square is surrounded by ancient buildings like the St. Louis Cathedral, several Louisiana State Museums and the Upper Pontalba Apartments, the earliest apartment buildings in the state. Your student group can have their photo used front of the bronze statue of Andrew Jackson and his horse. Or, to get yourself a good picture of the entire block, take your group to Washington Artillery Park, which overlooks the entire square.The Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis King of France (the St. Louis Cathedral) is the oldest t Catholic cathedral in constant use in the state. The original structure, built in the early 18th century, was unfortunately wrecked in a fire in 1788. Renewed in 1794 and again in the 19th century, the church has become certainly one of the most widely used attractions in New Orleans. Your scholar group can attend a Mass, explore the church or appreciate free established events that occur often in the cathedral.A visit to New Orleans wouldn?t be full without a to Blaine Kern?s Mardi Gras World, where your group can peek behind the curtain and see Mardi Gras in the building. From concept to completion, the artists of Mardi Gras create and build the parade floats for the annual Mardi Gras celebration in both New Orleans and Universal Studios FloridaA. This really is really a world of wonder, imagination and pageantry.New Orleans provides over 40 museums including traditional, art, Mardi Gras, family/children?s, nature and religious museums. A number of the popular galleries include:Old U.S. Great Museum ? Integrated 1835, the Old U.S. Peppermint could be the only building in America to own served both as an Usa and a Confederate Mint. President Andrew Jackson encouraged the Mint?s institution in order to help finance development of the nation?s western frontier.Louisiana?s Civil War Museum ? Louisiana?s Civil War Museum is one of the largest repositories of Confederacy-related artifacts and memorabilia in the Usa, in addition to being the oldest continually operating museum in Louisiana.The National World War II Museum ? This museum is a must-see for history enthusiasts and patriots. Given by the U.S. Congress as the country?s standard World War II Museum, powerful images and remarkable artifacts bring to life the American Spirit of courage, teamwork and compromise of the teenage boys and women who won the war and changed the world.New Orleans Museum of Art ? The neo-classical, Beaux Arts-style New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) houses a $200 million collection occupying 4,000 decades of art history in 46 galleries.Ogden Museum of Southern Art ? This museum is home to the most complete collection of southern art in the world. Showcasing art encompassing 15 southern states and the District of Columbia, the museum celebrates the history, art and tradition of the American south. Named an of The Smithsonian Institution in 2001, it was the first museum in Louisiana to acquire this prestigious designation.Audubon Aquarium of the Americas ? Located next to the Mississippi River, the Audubon Aquarium of the Americas homes 15,000 beach life creatures, addressing nearly 600 species.Audubon Insectarium ? If it walks, crawls or flies, your class may have a good opportunity to see it on display at the Audubon Insectarium.Audubon Zoo ? The Audubon Zoo is a living outdoor/indoor museum filled with some of the rarest and most beautiful creatures of nature. The Audubon Zoo has 58 miles of animals in their natural habitats. The Zoo consistently ranks among the country?s best.Known as a favorite destination for ghost hunters, New Orleans is also famous for its ghost travels, where several above-ground tombs abound. Due to the area?s high water table, settlers were unable to bury their loved-one?s caskets, so nearly all of the tombs in the city are placed above ground. There are numerous ghost trips you and your student group could tour. Explore one of the 40 cemeteries including the St. Louis Cemetery. Several famous New Orleanians reside in the St. Louis Cemetery including sugar-industry master Etienne Bore, Homer Plessy (of Civil Rights case Plessy v. Ferguson) and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau. A cat visit of St. Louis Cemetery provides your class with a hauntingly great time.Of special notice, a Pride Swamp Boat Tour is definitely a highlight for student organizations. Exceptional popular Manchac swamp is a highlight of student class itineraries. The tour takes your team right back to the early days of Louisiana swamp and bayou explorations. Your team will see swamp animals like alligators, snakes, many forms of birds along with the Cajun area of Frenier. This unique journey is one that your student group will usually remember.MusicNew Orleans is regarded by many as the homeland of Jazz and is a perfect destination to enrich your student efficiency groups? appreciation for jazz as well as many other types of music. It would appear that when you go through the streets of New Orleans, you constantly hear music. There are lots of musicians who perform through the entire French Quarter in addition to other places including areas, etc. For example, New Orleans Jazz Historical Park offers teams a chance to learn about the rich music record of New Orleans jazz. There are many free concerts and music courses offered throughout every season, which your performance sets could be an element of.The Jazz and Heritage Foundation and French Quarter Festivals, Inc. host many free concerts and festivals throughout the year including Satchmo SummerFest, which honors the existence of New Orleans-born trumpeter Louis Armstrong, the Crescent City Blues & BBQ Fest, the Congo Square Rhythms Festival, the French Quarter Festival and the Treme Creole Gumbo Festival, among many others.From April through June, Lafayette Square hosts free concerts from 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. Many companies perform many several types of music through the 12-week celebration period.If you are a school or high school band, band or choir, efficiency possibilities are numerous throughout New Orleans. Efficiency internet sites include Jackson Square, Riverwalk Market place, the Creole Queen Dinner Jazz Cruise, the Steamboat Natchez in addition to many regional cathedrals. Workshops can also be pre-arranged at Loyola University for choral, band and band ensembles.On a Far More Serious Note?Understanding what New Orleans has experienced from the sad events of Hurricane Katrina can be an essential part of your student group travel trip. A visit to the 8th or 9th ward will expose the continuous rebuilding efforts and will give your students an opportunity to volunteer, thus adopting the design of support. There are lots of opportunities for student groups to help in these efforts including volunteering at Second Harvest Food Bank, helping to repair schools or color houses, plus more.Overall, New Orleans is really an exciting area by having an energy that continuously buzzes. New Orleans must be at the top of the list when teachers are selecting locations for their student group trip. With the traditional galleries, many interesting attractions, delicious food, extraordinary music chances, and restoration jobs, New Orleans may entertain your student group like no other town. The magic in New Orleans runs strong. When you keep, the fun and pleasure goes with you.

Go to our website for more information about best restaurants in new orleans


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Alan Evans Trio, featuring soul and jazz veteran Soulive's founding member Alan Evans, kicks off their US Drop & Run tour beginning August 5, 2012, with over 30 stops across the country including Los Angeles, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Brooklyn and more; ending in Florida for Bear Creek Festival.

Alan Evans Trio recently released their new album Drop Hop (Royal Family Records), now available digitally and on vinyl around the globe, and in select retail outlets. As Alan Evans Trio, members Danny Mayer (On the Spot Trio) on guitar, and Beau Sasser (Melvin Sparks Band, Akashic Record) on organ, together with Alan Evans, share an energetic on-stage chemistry, a love for album recording, and for taking their music out on the road.

"I'm really happy that I've been able to turn my connections with Beau and Danny into fully realized dream. For awhile, I was contemplating starting a new band to do something different. I had been playing with Beau regularly at Bishop's Lounge, a local spot in Northampton, MA, and had also just worked with Danny on his last album with OTS. This is when it all started to come together for me. Danny was straight killin it, playing guitar exactly the way I would. I knew that Danny and Beau together would be scary," says Alan about how AE3 started.

Tickets go on sale Thursday, July 5, 2012. For more information, visit or

Sun 8/5/2012 Norwalk, CT - Sono Arts Celebration
Tues 8/21/2012 Los Angeles, CA - The Mint
Wed 8/22/2012 Santa Cruz, CA - Moe's Alley
Thurs 8/23/2012 Crystal Bay, NV - Red Room at Crystal Bay Club
Fri 8/24/2012 San Francisco, CA - Brick & Mortar
Sat 8/25/2012 Arcata, CA - Jambalaya
Sun 8/26/2012 Portland, OR - Mississippi Studios
Tues 8/28/2012 Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge
Wed 8/29/2012 Ft. Collins, CO - Hodis
Thurs 8/30/2012 Denver, CO - The Other Side
Sat 9/1/2012 Teton Village, WY - Mangy Moose
Tues 9/4/2012 St. Louis, MO - Old Rock House
Wed 9/5/2012 Evanston, IL - SPACE
Thurs 9/6/2012 Columbus, OH - Woodlands Tavern
Fri 9/7/2012 Pittsburgh, PA - Club Cafe
Sat 9/8/2012 Hancock, NY - Catskill Chill Music Festival
Sun 9/9/2012 Fairfield, CT - Fairfield Theatre - Stage One
Wed 9/12/2012 Richmond, VA - Capital Ale House
Thurs 9/13/2012 Wilmington, NC - The Soapbox Laundrolounge
Fri 9/14/2012 Athens, GA - New Earth Music Hall
Sat 9/15/2012 Black Mountain, NC - Pisgah Brewery
Sun 9/16/2012 Virginia Beach, VA - The Jewish Mother
Wed 9/19/2012 Vienna, VA - Jammin' Java
Thurs 9/20/2012 Philadelphia, PA - Milkboy
Fri 9/21/2012 Portland, ME - State Theatre w / SOULIVE
Sun 9/23/2012 Burlington, VT - Nectar's
Tues 9/25/2012 Pawtucket, RI - The Met Cafe
Wed 9/26/2012 Plains, PA - River Street Jazz Cafe
Thurs 9/27/2012 Buffalo, NY - Nietzche's
Fri 9/28/2012 Ithaca, NY - The Haunt
Sat 9/29/2012 Northampton, MA - Iron Horse
Sun 9/30/2012 Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Bowl
Sat 11/10/2012 Live Oak, FL - Bear Creek Music Festival


Co-founder, writer and drummer of Soulive for over 15 years, Alan Evans proudly presents his newest creation the Alan Evans Trio; an inspiring and fresh organ trio lineup. Enlisting the support of good friends and talented players Danny Mayer on guitar (On the Spot Trio), and Beau Sasser (Melvin Sparks, Akashic Record) the trio's sound proves hard driving and groovin' with dark funky rhythms and blues lick solos. Alan Evans Trio opens a window into another side - an emotional introspection, as dark as it is powerful. Their passionate progressions emanate an electrified, smoky, 70s-era CTI Records zeitgeist.

Together as the Alan Evans Trio, Alan, Danny and Beau share an energetic on-stage chemistry, a love for album recording, and taking their music out on the road. Armed with an abundance of newly inspired songs, Alan is taking the band on tour across the US, Japan and Europe in support of their debut album Drop Hop, released in April 2012, and now available via iTunes and on vinyl.

Mention the name Alan Evans to a room full of music lovers, and you will get a consensus nod at one of the most celebrated and tenacious drummers in the jazz, funk, and soul scene. A producer, recording engineer, guitarist, percussionist, vocalist and writer, Alan's repertoire of skills have been perfected with more than a decade of dedication.

"I've known for a long time what my purpose is this time around. All I want to do is try to make people happy with what makes me and my family happy... Music," says Alan about his new trio project.

For Alan, the idea of Alan Evans Trio hatched soon after he transitioned from Playonbrother Studios in Hatfield, MA to his own home recording studio. Alan then enlisted the ingenious talent of both Danny Mayer and Beau Sasser for the project.

Alan had met Danny Mayer first as a Soulive fan, but then connected on a musical level when his band, On the Spot Trio (OTS), came out to Playonbrother Studios to record their first album, with Alan at the helm as producer. Alan had played gigs with Beau Sasser for some time, and had a great deal of respect for Beau's masterful proficiency on the organ, and knowledge of the history behind the instrument.

Alan muses of Alan Evans Trio's beginnings, "This is when it all started to come together for me. Danny was straight killin' it, playing guitar exactly the way I would. I knew that Danny and Beau together would be scary." Danny and Beau both consented to a recording session with one another. Alan set up the mastering date, began thinking about a release date, tour, and even began designing the website and logo.

Passionate and inspired, Alan cranked out Drop Hop in a couple of days. He recorded bass, drums, guitar and then emailed Beau and Danny the tune of the day to learn for the session. "It was all coming together so well, I could hear the entire album in my head. I can honestly say, this is the first album I've ever recorded that came out exactly the way I dreamed it."

For more information visit,


Featured video about AE3:

Featured video "Rum Runners" Live in The Studio:

Debut Album Drop Hop Now Available via iTunes:

For media inquires or to schedule an interview, please contact JanaliciousPR
Amee Hamlin |
Franesa Pyle |


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Friday, July 20, 2012

Home Staging Certification Course Coming to Dallas | Homes in ...

Home Staging Certification Course Coming to Dallas

An industry-leading home staging certification course is coming to Dallas.?Dallas home owner?Michelle Lynne will teach The Academy of Home Staging course from August 6-10, 2012. The event will be a five-day, hands-on chance for budding interior designers and stagers to try their hand at this emerging industry.

Kim Kapellusch oversees The Academy of Home Staging courses and says,?I am thrilled to announce the expansion of The Academy of Home Staging into the Dallas market and the addition of Michelle Lynne to our team of Certified Trainers. Michelle has tremendous talent, knowledge and experience to share with her students. She brings high energy and enthusiasm to all that she does and makes the learning experience enjoyable and exciting for all who attend her?class.?

Michelle Lynne is the owner and founder of ?by Michelle Lynne,? a resource that?Dallas home owners have turned to for their staging, organizing and design needs. She is a member of the?Texas Association of Interior Design, the?Real Estate Staging Association, and the National Association of Professional Organizers. Additionally, she is one of the founders of ?Showings to Closings,? a monthly seminar that Dallas real estate agents can attend.

According to Lynne, now is a wonderful time to be a home stager. The real estate market is finally showing signs of an improvement, and sellers and their agents are employing stagers to help sell homes quickly. The?National Association of Realtors conducted a survey earlier this year and found that?25% of homes on the market are professionally staged, up from just 5% in 2007.

There are so many reasons to consider becoming a Dallas home owner. We are a local team of real estate experts who would love to better acquaint you with Dallas real estate. Please contact us today!

Homes in Dallas, Texas under $595,000 and over $500,000

Showing properties 1 - 8 of 169. See more city of Dallas real estate.
(all data current as of 7/20/2012)

  1. 3 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 2,306 sq ft

    Lot size: 2.57 ac

    Broker reciprocity icon
  2. 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 3,677 sq ft

    Lot size: 21,780 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  3. 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 4,013 sq ft

    Lot size: 18,730 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  4. 4 beds, 4 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 3,760 sq ft

    Lot size: 13,068 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  5. 4 beds, 4 full baths

    Home size: 3,000 sq ft

    Lot size: 15,585 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  6. 4 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 2,945 sq ft

    Lot size: 7,840 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  7. 5 beds, 3 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 3,949 sq ft

    Lot size: 9,583 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon
  8. 2 beds, 2 full, 1 part baths

    Home size: 2,390 sq ft

    Lot size: 28,749 sqft

    Broker reciprocity icon

Listing information deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Read full disclaimer.


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Broomfield Homes and the Hot Trends in Local Real Estate ...

Broomfield Homes and the Hot Trends in Local Real?Estate

Beautiful View of Sunset in Broomfield ColoradoBroomfield real estate is an ever evolving local business, with changes that reflect the needs of the home owner and changes in the way that Broomfield homes are built. Following is a list of design changes that are being incorporated into some of the new construction homes that are currently being built, and these changes reflect better design in floor plans and making those plans more functional and efficient:

  • Green technology in homes that are high performance installed and energy efficient can create a substantial amount of not only energy savings, but reduced utility bills long term.
  • Changing from rectangular family areas to more triangulated areas that are very open.
  • Larger pantries off the kitchen with a small kitchen desk for note taking and accessing the internet to check local stores for pricing and availability and easier grocery list making.
  • Homes in our future generally will be less rectangular in design and have more interesting shapes with more windows that are well placed for providing brighter sunlight as a light source.
  • Second floor laundry rooms are becoming more and more popular and some builders are placing these near the master bedroom and sometimes off the master walk-in closet.
  • 2 master suites in houses that are 2 story- one on the second level and another on the main level making easy access for the elderly and disabled.

All of these kinds of changes in home design and features will continue to work around one thing: affordability. Functional affordability is what we should see more of, that is if the new construction communities are paying attention to the home buyer?s needs and where many of the leading trends in real estate are guiding us to in the future.

If? a home is in your future, keep us in mind when you are in need of great real estate services from a great national company in our local real estate market. Homewerks team with Keller Williams is always ready to work for you in your real estate needs, whether that is buying a home in Broomfield and nearby Denver communities, or selling a home in Broomfield Colorado. Feel free to contact us with any question you might have.
Have a Great Day!

Shaun Werkele


Janelle Werkele


Keller Williams Realtors in Broomfield!

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Potty Racers 2 Perfect for All Ages ? Action ? Online Gaming Tips ...

In this day and age, gamers are growing every single day. From young and young at heart, it is evident that there is no age limit when talking about online games. Today, there are a number of games being produced around the globe and one of the most successful and addicting games is the Potty Racers 2.

From the name itself, Addicting Games, the company that brings everyone fun, exciting and highly entertaining games introduces Potty Racers 2 addicting games. Finally, a sequel to the ever entertaining and funny stick flying upgrade game, Potty Racers, comes this sequel that boasts of thrilling new adventures that are surely to entice already avid gamers of the previous version.

Welcome again to the stinkiest town where you are aboard the famous pot a potty that flies and which happens to be a bathroom! If the first one with its hilarious plot of jumping up the hill while you are driving the famous potty on wheels, engine and some rocket got you buzzing to your friends about it, you will surely love this second one with its more upgraded version. The upgrade: Fly your port a potty and try to transform it so you can be the pilot of a flying machine, and your mission is to explore new islands! That is not all. If in Potty Racers 1, you get bonus points for those crazy stunts that you perform while flying, well this version has its own digs as well. You will get maximum points for longer distances flown. The farther you get, the more items you can find to upgrade your potty and the more points you will also get. You also get to choose different upgrades such as speed, fuel, engine and the list goes on.

The game still features easy control keys. Simply use the left and right keys to balance the potty, the single right key to move down the slopes, up to pull up and down to pull down the landing wheels, and finally, the space bar to start the engine.

Potty Racers 2 addicting games? popularity has soared to new heights as it averaged at least eighty-five percent among its rating gamers! It also raked outstanding comments among the game raters, averaging at least 4.5 out of the maximum 5 points. Indeed, Potty Racers 2 addicting games had truly lived up to what it promises: an addicting stress reliever!

Just remember to do all your chores, homework and other responsibilities before trying this game out because it is fun and can really be addictive. If you still do not have any idea about Potty Racers, then start searching them online to enjoy first hand Potty Racers? experience.


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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

U.S. High Schools Lax in Preventing Dating Abuse: Study

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

The difference between iPad and. Toshiba Windows tablet commercials

The difference between iPad and. Toshiba Windows tablet commercials

A while back we compared and contrasted the way Apple was selling the iPad -- as something experiential -- to how carriers were marketing Android tablets -- as spec lists. Now Toshiba has released a new series of ads for their Windows tablet that go in an entirely different direction. Buzzefeed has posted four of them. Here's a sample:

And here's Apple's new iPad ad:

Now I don't find anything aesthetically objectionable about a good looking woman doing yoga, and I'm from Montreal where we're far from puritanical so I have no problem with cleavage or entendres double, triple, or quadruple. But I also worked in marketing for a decade and what I do have a problem with bad marketing.

Let's say, for the sake of argument, that some percentage of Toshiba's target audience finds these ads funny and/or titillating, how does that translate into tablet sales? Would you buy a Toshiba tablet over an iPad because a woman in yoga togs bent over it? Or is Toshiba's goal simply to raise awareness that they have tablets, and get articles like this one written about them?

If there's no such thing as bad press, have they succeeded? Or have they only succeeded in hurting their brand?

Source: Buzzfeed via @gartenberg, The Loop


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Saturday, July 7, 2012

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Friday, July 6, 2012

craigbergonzoni: @evoklarry Yes, exactly. AirPlay with iPhone/iPad rocks. Obviously Netflix & iTunes movies look great on it too.

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President, first lady mark July 4 with picnic for military families

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 - 8:36pm

At an Independence Day celebration at the White House, President Obama paid tribute to the nation's armed services, thanking military members for their service.

"It is always such an honor for us to spend this holiday with members of our military and your extraordinary families," said the president at a picnic for service members and relatives held on the South Lawn.

"All of you represent what is best in America. You serve under our proud flag. You and your families sacrifice more than most of us can ever know -- all in defense of those God-given rights that were first put to paper 236 years ago: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness," said Obama.

To read more on this story from The Hill go to ?


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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Snapshots from 4th day without power in eastern US

City workers George Kirk, right, and Joe Lane give away free bags of ice to residents at the Northwood Plaza shopping center in Baltimore on Monday July 2, 2012. Around 2 million customers from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois were without power Monday morning after a round of summer storms. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

City workers George Kirk, right, and Joe Lane give away free bags of ice to residents at the Northwood Plaza shopping center in Baltimore on Monday July 2, 2012. Around 2 million customers from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois were without power Monday morning after a round of summer storms. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

City workers George Kirk, right, and Joe Lane give away free bags of ice to residents at the Northwood Plaza shopping center in Baltimore on Monday July 2, 2012. Around 2 million customers from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois were without power Monday morning after a round of summer storms. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Baltimore city worker Joe Lane give away free bags of ice to residents at the Northwood Plaza shopping center, in Baltimore on Monday, July 2, 2012. Around 2 million customers from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois were without power Monday morning after a round of summer storms. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Baltimore city worker Bobby Carter gives away free bags of ice to residents at the Northwood Plaza shopping center in Baltimore on Monday, July 2, 2012. Around 2 million customers from North Carolina to New Jersey and as far west as Illinois were without power Monday morning after a round of summer storms. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Trees lie in the middle of Lake Ave. in Baltimore on Monday July 2, 2012, after a severe storm swept through the region late Friday. Power outages left many to contend with stifling homes and spoiled food over the weekend as temperatures approached or exceeded 100 degrees.(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

TOWSON, Md. (AP) ? At Ayd Hardware in Towson, a chalk sidewalk sign said in big letters "YES/DRY ICE." That was enough to draw in Sheila Williams of the Lockhearn area of Baltimore County, who happened to be driving by.

"I hate throwing all my food out. I'm trying to see if I can save some," Williams said Tuesday, adding she could use the ice to chill frozen meats that had begun to defrost at her house that still lacks power. "I don't care about the ice cream and the other stuff, but the meat is the most expensive."

Williams lives with six relatives that include her husband, her adult daughter, two teenagers and two younger boys.

"They're sleeping on the floor, sleeping everywhere trying to get some air," Williams said. "We stay outside until it's dark and the mosquitoes eat us up."

Vincent Ayd, who owns the hardware store, said 1,600 pounds of dry ice finally arrived Tuesday. Before, the sign said "Sorry, no dry ice."

Ayd said he had pre-sold 10 of the 15 generators expected to arrive Tuesday, along with most of his batteries, power cords and flash lights.

Ayd also said he received a call this weekend that he had never received before in his 40 years in the business.

"Do I sell hand-held fans? No. Then, the next question was battery-operated fans," Ayd said. "Then I said 'You can make your own fan' and I offered her a fly swatter."



Residents in tiny Coolville in southeastern Ohio, population 535, slowly began to get power back Tuesday and were hoping their village would live up to its name soon. Temperatures Tuesday afternoon topped 90 degrees.

"It's been terribly hot in Coolville," said Roxanna Rupe, the village's branch librarian. She and her family, without power since Friday, have managed with the help of a generator. But it's been a struggle for others as people drove several miles to the nearest grocery store and gas station with electricity, she said.

Rupe, 45, said she doubts things will cool down any time soon. But there has been a silver lining, she said.

"It's kind of a blessing ? it forces us to slow down a little bit," Rupe said.



Helmut and Natalie Furth avoided the heat by playing Scrabble at the South County Senior Center in Edgewater, Md.

Even while playing in the cool, the heat remained on Helmut's mind. His first word on the board is surely on the minds of thousands who remain without power: RESTORE.

"It was a 'bingo,'" Natalie Furth said, noting that Helmut scored an extra 50 points for using seven tiles.

The Furths live in nearby West River and are still without power Tuesday. They have spent time with family in the area since the storm, and Tuesday was the first day they went to one of the cooling centers in the state to escape the heat.

"It finally got to us," Natalie Furth said.

It's the second major inconvenience for the couple due to weather in a year. Their home was damaged in Tropical Storm Irene last year.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do when this is over: Going to put some solar panels on the house," Natalie Furth said.



Miranda Mines said she had just returned Tuesday morning to her job as a cashier at a Petco in Towson after spending all weekend without power in the Columbia home she shares with her roommate and her roommate's four children.

Power lines across the driveway of her gated community ? along with an inoperable gate ? kept the 34-year-old from leaving.

When asked how she spent the time, Mines laughed and said: "Slept."

"And we played board games, that's about it," Mines said.

"The worst part was the first night, kids all screaming and crying," she said. "After, you know, you're used to it, it was like camping."

The home also didn't have water because it is served by a well that lacked power for its pump. Fortunately, Mines said they had plenty of bottled water.

"So, we got lucky there, at least we thought that far ahead," Mines said.

Power was finally restored Monday night, she said.



Friday's storm took down some of the oldest trees in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

The cemetery said Tuesday that the damage suffered during Friday's storm was comparable to that inflicted by Hurricane Irene last year. Three of the oldest trees in the cemetery ? two white oaks and a red oak estimated to be at least 225 years old ? were lost in the storm, along with five other large trees. Another 17 were damaged to the point that they will have to removed.

A small number of headstones were damaged by the falling trees. The headstones will be replaced.

Arlington Cemetery is home to a significant number, of large, old trees, including three trees classified as state champions. The champion trees remain standing.



Michelle Morgan, 39, was sitting on the couches at the Liberty Mutual Insurance waiting area at the Towson Town Center mall with her 12-year-old daughter Halley Morgan because their apartment hasn't had power since Friday night.

"So, it's been crazy. It's like a sauna in my house," Morgan said. "I'm here to plug my phone in, charge up and get cool because it's hot as hell in my house."

The two spent Saturday night at Morgan's mother's house, and Sunday night at a hotel. The single mother, who is not working because of health problems, said they have been spending the days at malls and other air-conditioned places, visiting the Inner Harbor the day before.

"Pretty much going in the car whenever I can," Morgan said.


Associated Press writers Matthew Barakat in McLean, Va.; Brian Witte in Edgewater, Md.; and Andrew Welsh-Huggins in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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