Thursday, August 16, 2012

Farm of Hope's ?Corporate? Prospectus (aka Plan) have you read it ...

FARM of HOPE?s PLAN for Animals in the Fukushima Exclusion Zone.?

Maybe you missed the publishing of the Farm of Hope?s Corporate Prospectus. ?If there was any doubt where this organization is headed, this should CLEAR up any questions. ?What you need to make sure to remember is ?the part where they are ACTUALLY saying : cattle, pigs, sheep, ostriches, chickens, DOGS and CATS.? ?Once they had made the announcement that they are WORKING with the Japan Veterinary Medical Association, it was a DONE DEAL about the Radiation Research Studies being done on ANIMALS. ?They are a Radiation Research Facility.

Corporate Prospectus:

?In the same area even today, 2,000 heads of cattle, 3,000 pigs, has been left behind. In addition, animals such as sheep, ostriches, chickens, dogs, and cats. Many of them are suffering from hunger, and they might not survive the winter.?

From the perspective of animal ethics and welfare, ?we are arranging facilities, environment management for these animals within the affected area or breeding areas outside, establishing a fringe-project ?

In addition, this is an advantage for academic research and accumulated valuable scientific data. By the continuous rearing of these animals, it should contribute to radiation disaster prevention for future purposes.

Additionally, we will contribute to the activities of protecting animals in many perspectives, rearing children?s
enrichment program. We will educate in mind widely to the public, the importance of respect and love.


?noun?\pr?-?spek-t?s, pr?-\

Definition of?PROSPECTUS

1?a preliminary printed statement that describes an enterprise (as a business or publication) and that is distributed to?prospective?buyers, investors, or participants

2??something (as a statement or situation) that forecasts the course or nature of something

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