Sunday, August 26, 2012

relationships - Talk About Marriage

Relationships are like jobs in the sense that you trade commodities, like time for money. Some relationships pay better than others. Some relationships are easier and others harder. Some relationships require specialized skills, while others require the tenacity to endure things that most other people would refuse to do. A doctor required a lot of education to they demand much more pay and can also pick and choose a lot more conditions of work than a manual laborer can. But its probably a lot easier to find a laborers work than a doctors.

A relationship with a man that has children by previous partners has less to offer a prospective partner - he has less time and attention to give and offers lower priorities to a partner (his children will be of a higher priority than his partner).

So an average girl that doesnt have children that can pick between this man, or the man who has no children, is usually better off picking the partner than has more time and energy to meet her needs - the one without children.

The opposite can be true also. A woman with issues that might detract from her value, such as a mild mental illness, physical disability or lower social status, might be seen as acceptable by that man with children because his overall relationship potential matches hers.

Like jobs, relationships can be in competition with each other - if when in a job you happen to see another job that offers more money for the same work, you'd be crazy not to go for that job right? Only you dont want to let your current employer know you are seeking another job. Or if you are offered another job that pays better and has better benefits, you might try to get a promotion from your current employer, competing one against the other.

Just like with work, some relationships are abuse systems, designed to tear down the self esteem and value until a person is no longer worth anything to anyone and cannot survive outside of this system - or so they think.

Edited to change male/female roles.

Last edited by anonim; Today at 08:08 PM.


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