Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quantitative Research Approach

From the scientific approach, research is the act of embarking on a detailed analysis with the purpose of approving a certain hypothesis, or explains a phenomenon. In all research actions, the key objective is to discover and prove a comprehensive answer to the issue that instigated the research (Patrick, 2005:50). Research activities must be methodological and in line with the accepted standards. Research can base on fiscal, scientific, and historical grounds.

However, all varieties of research demand an interpretation and a judgment from the perpetrator. Generally, the scientific approach demands that there must be exploitation and intense analysis of a variable for the research to commence successfully (Donald, 2009:87). This paper seeks to analyze the two main types of research techniques comprehensively, and how they apply to the midwifery practice. Research can imply the exploration of various avenues in search of facts and information. It can also refer to the gathering, assemblage, and examination of data with the purpose of discovering a hypothesis or hitherto unknown meaning.

The quantitative research variant is the customary method applied in virtually all scientific sectors in all their experiment-based analyses. These trials, also known as true and factual science, exploit conventional statistical and mathematical avenues in order to assess results and data in a comprehensive and conclusive manner. All quantitative analyses follow a standard mode of operation in constructing and developing theories that are later available for proofing. In the quantitative approach, all resultant theories or hypotheses must be in accordance to statistical and mathematical proofing designs. The successful process of this type of research demands some necessities. All study groups and bands must be from a random choosing exercise. In addition, during this process it is recommendable to analyze one variable at a time to avoid statistical analysis bogging the process down and the resultant developing of questionable theories or hypotheses.

In ideal circumstances, the particular research method in use should be in a manner that enables the easy repetition of the process by different individuals in terms of process steps and data availability (Mark, 2005:57). This particular method of embarking on research has numerous advantages and benefits. The method has proved to be the most effective way of concluding data in pursuit of approving or negating the resultant theory or hypothesis. In this method, a conclusive answer always comes out after statistical examination of data garnered from the whole process. These enables the involved scientists easily and conclusively iron out the results before publishing them. Another crucial benefit is that, depending on the particular design of the method, researchers are able to avoid the inadvertent interference due to various external effects. As a result, the method is capable of producing truthful and non-partisan results for analysis.

It also demands an extensive application of statistics, thus proving troublesome for most scientists. The quantitative research approach is integral in the midwifery section. This is particularly relevant in administrations trying to find out best methods to improve the profession and reduce the mortality rate for infants. This is because the best approach is to analyze statistics of previous occurrences before formulating policies to better the sector. A good example of this is the breastfeeding improvement survey in England in the early 21st century. The Birmingham Health Service (NHS) bankrolled the research.

The participant researchers were experts from different sectors in the county's health industry. The main aim of the project was to analyze the effectiveness of midwives in promoting breastfeeding. The target groups were from the sixty-six clinics in the city, allocated by a computer to lessen bias. The research considered the different size of the clinics. Relevant information came from Primary Care archives. Statistical outcomes were in a table outlining percentages and accurate values. Results were conclusive and proved beneficial to the country's health industry (Sarah, 2003:129). Qualitative research purposes to divulge a certain group's character scope. Furthermore, it seeks to investigate what influences it in relation to specific issues. It exploits the analysis of small groups in the building of theories.

As a result, the outcomes of qualitative research appear to be more explanatory than extrapolative. These methods came from the societal and behavioral studies that include anthropology, psychology, and sociology. The qualitative research approach helps the concerned authorities to get an innate understanding of the particular issue at hand. Funding for these methods is usually hard to obtain due to various reasons. The methods involves massive amount of time and data collection modes. In addition, the process is usually very labor-intensive, and its results are not normally applicable in policy formulation situations (Immy, 2005:39). This approach has numerous benefits.

They influence exhibition of synergy from the target groups, making them complement each other's ideas and notions. The approach exhibits an energetic nature during data collection. This influences the audience to participate more openly unlike in quantitative approaches. In addition, this approach offers the researcher with an avenue to probe further than the initial responses of the target group, and thus he can manage to extricate more detailed and accurate information. The method avails the chance of easy interpretation of all kinds of body languages that finally prove vital during final examination of data. Moreover, this approach allows for the chance of involving participants in various group projects that aid them in breaking the shyness barrier.

This helps in attaining more information from the now cheerful participants (David, 2004:97). Among the healthcare fraternity, the individual insight of involved practitioners in relation to the effective delivery of healthcare is currently a matter of vital concern to the overall administrations. This insight is especially vital to the motherhood sector where alternatives in combination with empowerment stand out as the major parts of healthcare. Due to its capability in the efficient exploration of principles, viewpoints, and ideologies, the qualitative approach has increasingly grown in importance concerning the adequate training and monitoring of midwives. This approach is very vital in the midwifery industry.

It is particularly helpful when assessing the effectiveness of midwifes in performing their duties. In most cases, the target audience is the mothers who have recently given birth through the help of a midwife. This research helps most health administrations in understanding the real conduct of the midwives whilst on duty. In addition, the health administration can also interview the midwives through this method. This can help them to learn the actual and unofficially acknowledged problems that they undergo while at work (Sarah, 2003:34). These tribulations can include the particular behavior of doctors, shift schedule anomalies, and lack of support from the head nurses. Thus, this kind of research is very important to all healthcare industries that are embarking on numerous programs that will help in significantly lessening the mortality level of infants.

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