Saturday, March 16, 2013

Creative Writing Prompts About AWP Conference

Many writers attended the Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference during the past week. Fortunately, many of us are probably winding down from the event but this is probably a good time to reflect on the people you met at the conference and some of the exciting experiences you had while attending the conference. Enjoy these creative writing prompts about AWP. Hopefully these writing prompts can stimulate your imagination for writing.


Poetry Creative Writing Prompts

1. Write a poem dedicated to one or more books of poetry that you were most excited to buy or obtain at AWP.


2. Write a poem about your experience traveling to different AWP off-site readings.


3. Write a poem that discusses the positive and negative experiences you had speaking with other poets about their work.


4. Write a poem about a funny story you heard that occurred at AWP.


5. Write a poem about something you did outside of the AWP conference like visiting a museum, seeing a historical site, or eating at a new favorite restaurant.


6. Write a poem about something you knew that you wished you did not know from attending the AWP conference.


7. Write a poem that is dedicated to some of the best poets you got to meet in person at AWP.


8. For all of you folks, who have published a book or are close with certain publishers, write a poem that incorporates some of your experiences when meeting your publisher in person for the first time.


9. Write a poem that includes the following words: convention, bookfair, and readings.


10. Write a poem about someone that really disappointed you in some way at the AWP conference.


11. Write a poem about one of the most memorable tables at the bookfair during AWP.


12. Write a poem that incorporates something you learned from a panel while attending AWP.


13. Write a poem about the dumbest thing you did at the conference. This can include things before and after the conference.


14. Unfortunately some of us may have experienced emergency situations while attending the conference. Some of us may have heard about the death of a family member, lost our wallets and money or was dumped by a significant other. Write a poem about this experience.


15. Write a poem in the form of a letter to AWP about what they should change or not change in upcoming years. This can include the structure of the bookfair, costs of attending, location of the conference, how AWP is advertised and so on.


Fiction Creative Writing Prompts


1. Write a story that begins with two exes who meet again at AWP.


2. Write a story about a group of writers from all different parts of the country, who are dedicated to sharing a hotel and spending each AWP conference together.


3. Write a story about a writer who is a serial killer, and decides to kill a handful of writers attending the conference. Please note that this does not have to happen at the conference.


4. Write a story where all of the characters are based off of someone you met or knew was attending the AWP conference.


5. Write a story about a writer who decides to use Craigslist or another online platform to make friends or romantic connections at the AWP conference.


6. Write a story about a writer whose flight is canceled or delayed going to the AWP conference. However something happens that makes them consider ditching the conference entirely.


7. Write a story that begins with a writer reflecting their time attending the conference.


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