Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Attracting More Web Site Visitors With New Approaches ? vcdave

Mashable predicted that Responsive Web Design would be 2013?s trend for many websites. On the other hand, community-based approaches, or shall we say ?social networking?, has become the main focus of many sites, business or otherwise, to attract viewers into their online pages. Facebook is on the verge of re-designing their main user page, their News Feeds, to be exact, to be more adept when being accessed via smartphones or tablets. So what?s your move for your own online presence?

Online Communities
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even social blogs like Tumblr have made it all too clear that making audiences involved and appreciated will attract others via referral or curiosity. Social networking has become an essential when one is considering to be prominently known in the World Wide Web, whether you?re just tweeting, posting an Instagram photo of your food, looking for online opponents or team-ups for a round of poker or WoW, or wanting to know why someone blogged about flying kites. Even if you?re into popular activities like online gaming, fashion or sports, the mere fact that the trend is overpopulated with ?expert? websites means having followers involved interactively in your website may just give you an edge above the competition. Take online gaming leader partypoker for example. Their website has adapted a community-centric approach, relying on their users? trust towards them, providing them with secure playing environments as well as up-to-date information about poker competitions, poker players and other related information. The poker site not only makes itself available through social media channels, it also makes sure that it provides easy access client support online, making it more approachable and interactive, thus attracting more users.

Responsive Web Design
Going back to social media giant Facebook, the new upcoming change has been headlined as ?Goodbye Clutter. Hello bright, beautiful stories.? While still maintaining its community-based social networking forte, it has been under development to make the interface uniform in any type of viewing platform, whether you?re using a laptop, your iPhone or iPad, or any of your chosen Android gadget. Other than focusing on a uniform, streamlined look, it is also re-emphasizing the design to focus on the user?s actions, and not just what they did on Facebook. As defined by Ethan Marcotte in his article in AListApart.com, ?Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience?easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling?across a wide range of devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones).?

It may sound overwhelming but mind you, despite Facebook being a trendsetter in the internet game, it was not the first one to transition to RWD despite being forerunners of community-based approaches. Time, Harvard University, Mashable and even quaint small business like Tattly have already transitioned to RWD making access smoother whatever gadget you?re using. Then again, such mentioned approaches are still up to you and will depend on factors that you consider important in getting attention from internet users. Research more and then decide. It?s your call.

Source: http://www.vcdave.com/2013/04/28/attracting-more-web-site-visitors-with-new-approaches/

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