Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ind. Man Accused Of Stealing From Tornado Victims

An Indiana man has been accused of stealing from tornado victims and pretending to be a government official.

Indiana State Police said Gerald Flint, 53, collected money and supplies intended for those affected by the March 2 tornado outbreak, but they have no idea where any of the donations went.

Police said Flint went to Clark and Scott counties to solicit donations on behalf of his organization, but they said what happened to those donations is anyone's guess.

"Anytime we have these disasters that come through, there are always people who try to come in and take advantage of the situation," said Indiana State Police Sgt. Jerry Goodin.

Police said Flint went to southern Indiana communities hit by the tornadoes, asking for disaster supplies and monetary donations on behalf of the organization Volunteer Medics Worldwide. He drove a truck outfitted with his group's logo, and, according to police, told people he was working with the Department of Homeland Security.

But police said that wasn't true.

"He wasn't working with them. He wasn't affiliated with them. As a matter of fact, right now, we haven't found one legitimate organization that he was affiliated with," said Goodin.

Police said he collected an unknown amount of money and supplies, but they have no idea what happened to all of it.

"We can't account for it, and we're trying to find out the best we can where this stuff went to. And right now, we can't find it," said Goodin.

The organization Flint mentioned has an extensive website, which includes a message stating Volunteer Medics Worldwide never asks for money or seeks donations.

The website also said the group has "halted all action to assist anyone in the Henryville, Ind., area due to the actions of those who have taken money and used fraud tactics during this storm recovery period."

"It upsets me, but with human nature being the way it is, you can expect a few people to be like that," said Jack Myers, whose home was damaged by a tornado.

Myers said dozens of volunteers helped him clean up his Henryville home. He doesn't want one case to taint all of their efforts.

"Ninety-nine percent of the people have been very honest, very helpful," said Myers.

Police have a message for those who aren't.

"If you're not legitimate and you're doing wrong, you're going to end up like this guy," said Goodin.

Flint is listed as the contact on Volunteer Medics Worldwide's website, and a message left with him Thursday was not returned.

He has been arrested and was charged with theft, impersonating a public servant and possession of a legend drug, because police said he was also caught with antibiotics he didn't have a prescription for.

Indiana State Police are asking anyone who may have given money or supplies to Volunteer Medics Worldwide or to Flint to call them at 812-246-5424.

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