Sunday, March 4, 2012

Where's Your Umbrella? ? Scarsdale Insurance

Forgetting an umbrella during a heavy rainstorm will, undoubtedly, put a damper on your day. So, why forget the critical umbrella of a #businessinsurance policy to protect yourself from the severe damper its absence can place on your whole life?

Protecting your small business is crucial. Years, days, and hours of dedication and work can be lost instantly without the proper insurance coverage.

You may be thinking you already have all the insurance your business needs. What you may not realize is the coverage you have will only protect you up to a certain amount. Are you prepared to cover the expenses of a liability claim that could substantially exceed your #insurance coverage limit ? even drive you into bankruptcy court?

An umbrella liability policy may be the difference between #bankruptcy and an on-going business venture. It will protect your business far beyond anything general policies can provide.

Like any #insurance policy, there are some limitations and restrictions. Nonetheless, it is possible to adjust your coverage based on the very specific needs of your small business. It?s important to understand exactly what you can do to protect your business from losing everything. To learn more about our umbrella liability policy, click here.

Advocate Brokerage stands ready to help you protect your business against mishaps. Contact us to get started today.

Post written by DGI.

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Tags: Advocate Brokerage Scarsdale, bankruptcy, business insurance, commercial insurance, insurance, insurance policies, liability, policy, scarsdale insurance, umbrella, umbrella liability policy Permalink


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