Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Scrapbook: Pink Pirate Princess Halloween | Little Big

This year we celebrated Halloween with a milestone as it was the first year Isobel was both interested and not terrified in going trick-or-treating and the first year where we did not dictate her Halloween costume. I?m sure it doesn?t surprise you that she chose to be a Pink! Pirate! Princess! I was just happy it was a costume we could put together in an inexpensive, DIY fashion. She seemed firm on her decision to dress as a Pink! Pirate! Princess! all the way back in August, my preferred month for starting Halloween preparations. Of course, two weeks before Halloween she told me she changed her mind and wanted to be a cupcake butterfly instead but it was too late. First of all, I don?t even know what that is, and secondly, we had already gathered the necessary floufy pink pirate accessories.

(If you are wondering what a cupcake butterfly might look like, my friend Stef drew this helpful illustration.)

As soon as Grandma and Grandpa heard of her plan to rule her kingdom while swashbuckling on the high seas, they took to the internet and bought her this pink and black pirate hat trimmed with a cotton candy-fluff of marabou. She was the envy of every scurvy dog and palace concubine, I?m sure.

Her eye patch is a DIY creation I fashioned out of a pink sequined hair band and a heart-shaped piece of felt traced with a cookie cutter to get the perfect shape. I was astonished that she wore both the hat and the eye patch for nearly the entire day. Anyone who?s had a child knows any sort of head gear can be a total deal breaker for a baby or toddler. The tutu she is wearing was found at a thrift store for a dollar, as was her bright pink pumpkin. Her leggings were a gift from Japan from friends Robert and Ashley and the dress came secondhand from her cousin. She treasure sash, the best component of her costume by far, came from our visit to the Greek Food Festival, where vendors sold pieces of traditional Greek costumes as well as fanciful versions like this one. Isobel calls it ?the penny skirt.?

The pirate cutlass was purchased at the dollar store and when the clerk rang us up he tried to make conversation. ?What a great sword!? he said to Isobel. ?Thanks,? she replied nonchalantly. ?It?s for killing people.? We glued plastic jewels to a few inches of both sides of the blade to make it more ?princess-y?. Isobel wanted me to glue jewels to both sides of the entire thing, but that would have made it so heavy as to turn it into a real weapon. You know. For killing people.

We started partying early on Halloween by picking up my mom and heading to our library?s Halloween costume parade and story time program. Isobel made a ghost who seems to be in dire need of chiropractic care and took every opportunity to wiggle her jingly bum to the story time music. When that was done we had lunch with my mom and spent an hour at a local pumpkin patch where Isobel directed my mother through a hay maze and rode on a tiny tractor like a lady.

By the time we were done with all that I noticed that Isobel had spilled yogurt on her dress at lunch to which a fine coating of hay and dust from our pumpkin patch adventure had attached itself. She had been tarred and feathered, Halloween-style. Fortunately we had a backup dress and while it was black, not pink, it did the job well enough for trick or treating. It was actually a bit chilly this year so we added pink pants and a sweater.

Anthony practiced trick-or-treating with her the night before so Isobel was ready to go when the time came. She was a bit shy for the first house but once she realized all she had to do was ring the doorbell repeatedly and shout ?trick or treat!? when the door opened to get candy, she was hooked. By the time we were walking away from a house Isobel would excitedly ask, ?How about we try the next house, Mama??

?We visited some family and some friends and went by a few more houses before calling it an early night. The events of the day had caught up to her and we knew it was time to go home when she said, ?Dada, will you carry my pumpkin for me? It?s too heavy from all the treats.?

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Source: http://thelittlebigblog.com/2012/11/05/scrapbook-pink-pirate-princess-halloween/

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