Monday, January 14, 2013

Birmingham Museums Get Their Own Free Android Phone App


A well designed and unique Android App, the ?Birmingham Museums App?, has just been released. It gives those that install it to their smart phones invaluable info that all Birmingham residents and visitors interested in visiting local museums need?in order to plan their visits. It includes news, videos, opinions of, and photos from, the local museums.

Birmingham Museums App enables users to simply click on this Android phone app to see all the museum information with almost no effort at all, and it also supplies a Birmingham Museum Newsfeed and accesses the top Twitter account for Birmingham Museums UK news, as a streaming update. Plus, much more?

IPPTS Associates? marketer and author Steve Symes has just released this Android App on the Google Play app sales platform, for free.

It is known as ?Birmingham Museums App?; details of which can be seen at: the Google Play Store, or in any Android phone app search for this keyword string.

Worldwide web business owner Steve Symes, who has made building businesses on the net an art-form, since early in 2007, and who was among those first to see Birmingham Museums app after its coding was completed recently, made this statement:

?This original Android App gives its readers the unique benefit of a ton of news relevant to the local museums, and other constantly updated information about local exhibitions and galleries. Visitors to Birmingham and the West Midlands area will find it very helpful because the app, once set-up on their phone is readily available by simply tapping on the relevant icon. Mobile phone apps are causing drastic changes to the way phone users approach organizing a day out, and the number of users of such apps is rising incredibly fast.

Birmingham Museums are also known for their?marvellous?Roman, Egyptian, and Greek artifact heritage. These date back to the days of the British Empire when the wealthy bought, or simply brought-home, battle-trophies, from the Greek culture, and the Romans. There are of course many great paintings, but at the other end of the subject matter are the ?nature?centres?, and the ?centres of education and learning?, which exist within the museums. Don?t forget that Birmingham?s history is extremely diverse, and its population highly multi-cultural. As a result Birmingham museums?subject matter is all encompassing: from the ancients, to animals, to the Victorians, to the British car industry, and coming right up to the present day you will find exhibits of technology and world-class innovations being made right now.

Uniquely fascinating locations are included [at times depending on events publicized from time to time] such as Blakesley Hall, and the amazing reliques of world-leading glass blowing manufacture. Schools make extensive use of this Birmingham heritage with school visits to City Museums. So, adults ? make sure that you don?t miss out on what the kids see, and enjoy such as in: ?Birmingham what?s on?, ?Birmingham art shows?. Yes, it?s all there to enjoy at the best Birmingham Art Galleries as well, and much more which you will see in this app!

Fans of museums the world over will enjoy the new ability to keep up with the buzz around Birmingham?s wonderful heritage of museums, and also [they believe] keep coming back to this app again and again when they wish to make another trip/ plan a fascinating day-out to one or more of the many exhibitions and galleries in the area?.

The information provided draws on a large number publicly available non-copyright material sources, and automatically updates itself as the news breaks. Information sources include elements of articles in Wikipedia, Birmingham Museum Service News releases in the press, and council reports on (without copying) Birmingham Council?s Museum sites, plus similar resources from the area around the city.

Why now? Why is this free Android App being offered at this particular time? Commissioning-author Steve Symes indicated that he had already hinted at the answer to this earlier, but he described it like this:

?Birmingham Museums, although less famous than those in London, make a great destination for all those who hold a curiosity about the Victorians, and the stories of ordinary working people when life was very different from today. These museums have also become steadily more popular as interest in the Industrial Revolution has exploded. People love to learn about the times when Birmingham was a world leading industrial power-house of innovation and invention, and these Birmingham Museums pack an almighty punch in that department. That?s for sure!. There is knowhere better! So, they will all love this app?.

With a lot of other Android Apps clamoring for attention, what distinguishes this one and causes it to be worthy of being noticed? Steve Symes explained the answer to that, by saying:

??it?s new, and it?s based on the latest app coding technology. It?s quick, and it?s as comprehensive, or more so, as any offering out there in this niche. Besides, it is the first of its kind to be devoted solely to Birmingham Museums?.

For more complete information, facts and further details, including screenshots from the Birmingham Museums App, other reviewers? comments [when available] and the list of contents, see the Birmingham Museums App at the Google Play Store here.

Contact Info:
Name: Steve Symes
Email address:


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