Sunday, January 13, 2013

EEOC says Leona's Pizzeria reneged on settlement deal - Business ...

Women who were sexually harassed while working for Leona?s Pizzeria in Chicago never got their piece of the pie, according to the EEOC. Now the famous chain is being sued to force it to live up to its obligations.

After a group of female Leona?s employees filed hostile work environment complaints with the EEOC, the restaurant company owners agreed to settle in July for $75,000. But Leona?s never paid up, nor did it implement required anti-harassment training, post notice of the settlement and report compliance efforts to the EEOC.

Now the commission has gone back to court to force Leona?s to pay up and comply with the settlement agreement.

Note: If Leona?s can?t offer a compelling excuse for failing to abide by the agreement, it will also be on the hook for additional court costs. Those, plus its own attorneys? fees will no doubt approach the $75,000 it was originally ordered to pay.

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