Saturday, January 5, 2013

The highest paid skill on the internet - ridiculous! | Deborah Peters ...

Jan 3, 2013 by Deborah


In the world of online marketing, seo and ?techy stuff? and with all the jargen out there, there?s lots of confusion about where to start, what to do.

The highest paid skill on the internet is not SEO. It is not ranking on the first page of Google. It is not Pay per View or Pay per Click ads.

All those things bring traffic to your website. But think on this:

What good does all the traffic in the world bring if you cannot convert it into sales?

The highest paid skill on the internet is Copywriting.

I know ? the first time I heard this term, I was thinking of legal trademarks, lol. Copywriting is the artistry of words, words that engage and get people to act. This art bleeds into your blog posts, headlines, titles and even emails.

Strong Copywriting skills comes from:

1. Writing often
2. Studying others that are strong at it
3. Looking at the visual white space (words broken up)

Think of what you personally enjoy reading ? it?s not hard to do, is it? It?s not hard on the eyes and something resonated with you to continue reading.

copywritingHow do I know this? I?ve been studying copywriting for 2 years?!

But- YOU don?t have to.

How would you like to dive into this arena for your following or business and and get started where strong copywriting has been done for you?

You can continue to learn at your pace, and in the meantime have this system working for you, engaging your leads and traffic, converting to sales?

I only wish this was around 2 years ago! Lucky dog ? talk about timing! Yes, I?m talking to YOU, lol.

But hey ? that?s how it goes and I?m not a hater. I genuinely want people who need traffic, leads and sales to have just that ? and the quicker the better. That?s success. And success does not mean ?hoarding? knowledge.

Oh yeah ? people pleasers are broke. Have to throw this in here ? a gal on linkedin was so ?offended? by my blog voice, links, etc. And she was an artist.

It spoke volumes about her. Not only was she not making money with her art, she?d never survive in this arena either. Many artists? feel this way, they are horrible marketers and starving.

Not saying you have to be rude?but if you can?t be ?forward? and direct, you won?t have an engaged audience, or results. Have a voice, have an opinion and never be afraid to ask for the sale. Be yourself. Don?t be vanilla.

If you don?t, someone else will. FACT.

Tired of struggling? Best copy wins in copywriting. Desire to model yourself after those who are successful at this? Just click this link, put in your email and get started.

To your Prosperity!

Deborah Peters Profile Image

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PS: Online Traffic will get you Leads, Leads will get you Sales, and Sales will get you Freedom. Don?t be a WUSS ? Are you All In?

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