Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Eco-Energy: Green Technologies For Your Home's Electricity ...

Last week, we talked to you about heated driveways. We got a lot of responses on our Facebook page ? including some from people who shuddered to think about the energy expenditure involved, and its impact on the environment.

We told you were planning on profiling green technologies, and now we?re delivering.

Today?s Technology in Residence post is about eco-friendly energy, and how to bring it into your home. This isn?t just good for the environment: it also benefits the local energy grid, boosts the value of your home, and takes some pressure off your utility bill in the long term.

If you don?t have a lot of money to spend on going green right now, but you?d like to support clean energy, one solution is to start purchasing your power from Bullfrog Power. Bullfrog derives power from wind, solar, and natural gas, cutting coal out of the mix. When you buy from them, you?re helping them invest in more turbines and solar panels. They offer an online quote system for people who are curious about changing energy companies. They also offer the same service to businesses, and even have case studies on how using green energy for your business can help make a dent in the total energy mix.

However, if you want to reduce your total impact on the grid, and maybe even sell some power back to it, you may want to install solar panels. Pure Energies (warning: autoplay video) has a simple assessment form to fill out, so they can help you figure out how which panels are best for you, where to install them, and what size they should be. The best part of their solution is that there is no upfront cost, so you can work out a financing plan over the long term, rather than saving up and spending money on traditional power sources in the meantime.

If your goal is to sell energy back to the grid, Solart makes participating in Ontario?s MicroFIT program easy. Through this program,

?every homeowner of Ontario can be paid a guaranteed price over a 20-year term for all the electricity produced and delivered to the province?s electricity grid from the solar installation. The returns are up to $12,000 a year for a home or a small business or considerably higher for a large commercial property.

If you?re not interested in solar panels, you may want to look into geothermal energy. Ontario is leading the way in geothermal or ?heat exchange? installation. As Tyler Hamilton notes, ?The most efficient geo-exchange systems are as much as 50 per cent more efficient than the best natural gas furnaces and more than 75 per cent more efficient than oil furnaces.?

If those numbers sound good to you, Quest Geothermal can help you with a quote and installation. The cost of installation will vary depending on location and the experience of your drillers and contractors. E-how has a good run-down of the cost, in US dollars, and points out that the heating bills of homeowners on geothermal systems tend to be between twenty and thirty percent lower than those of traditional power consumers.

However you choose to go about it, there are several ways to go green and change your energy consumption at home. You probably know all about using less power, but changing how your energy is provided means using different power, and that can make a serious difference.


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