Wednesday, February 13, 2013

State of the Union: Fan proposals to change the NFL

Earlier today, Adam Schein gave his?nine proposals to improve the NFL. ?Naturally, we turned the proverbial microphone over to the fans on Twitter to see what they thought would help improve the game we all love so much. Fans tweeted back their thoughts with #ChangeTheGame, and the response was overwhelming. Here are the best and most interesting suggestions from the NFL?s passionate, and vocal fan base.

It seems unlikely, but it?d be interesting to see how a change like this might impact the free agent market. The NFL Players Association might not go for it, however, as it could lessen the demand for the free agent players seeking big contracts.

Or maybe just have the maximum yardage amount for pass interference be 15 yards as it is in college?

Entertaining, sure, but what happens when Mike Carey is officiating? Or Tony Corrente? They probably wouldn?t stonewall as many challenges as Ed ?Hercules? Hochuli.

This could improve the already impressive amount of parity in the NFL, but the downside of losing those exhilarating divisional games at the end of the year is too much for us to get behind this one.

If the science exists, it would be useful and benefit the game ? until Rob Gronkowski ruins all of the sensors with his touchdown spikes.

This idea has been discussed before, even on this very site. But does the rest of the league really want to give Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers 35 more yards of field to work with? Probably not.

Share the rest of your suggestions by using #ChangeTheGame on Twitter!

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