Monday, February 18, 2013

HOPE not hate blog: Karen's Nazi Party

Karen's Nazi Party

posted by: Duncan Cahill | on: Sunday, 17 February 2013, 15:18

Fun: Marsden family style
Fun: Marsden family style

Well known Nazi Karen Marsden hosted a party at her home in last night, in the very shed she?uses for her dog grooming business.

Lots of Karen's Nazi friends turned up, getting drunk and apparently abused animals while they were there.

We're unsure whether it was a birthday party or a farewell gathering as she is soon to be sentenced for assault on an Asian man and resisting police arrest following a failed NF demo led by Kevin Watmough & Shane Calvert.

Let's hope magistrates in Kirklees, where she is soon to appear, take a good hard look at Karen Marsden and her grooming of children & young people into Nazi hate politics whilst condoning the cruelty of animals.

Shed: Where Karen grooms dogs

Shed: Where Karen grooms dogs

Not a happy Nazi bunny

Not a happy Nazi bunny

Rabbit: Abused

Rabbit: Abused

Patriots: Typical night out for the NF at Karen's house

Patriots: Typical night out for the NF at Karen's house

?Posted: 17 Feb 2013 | There are 0 comments


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